Donate to the Animation Show of Shows and make a difference in the world!
Wow time flies! The 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Annual Animation Show of Shows have been in more than 130 North American cities, towns and hamlets since 2015 and in Algeria, Australia, Egypt, Palestine, Poland, South Africa, and Spain as well. We want to personally thank everyone who has supported us during the last four years with your generous support of this massive undertaking, without which it would have been impossible to release the show and reach audiences with spectacularly beautiful, funny, moving and memorable animated short films.
The most recent four editions of the Animation Show of Shows have been seen on big screens in art house movie theaters, museums and festivals by over 100,000 eager attendees.
In just over a year, through a test educational outreach initiative, we tripled our reach to over 50 colleges and universities. And not one institution could say, "We can't afford it" because we asked them to set the price they could afford and if they couldn't afford anything, we provided it for free. Thankfully, most colleges and universities have been very generous with honoraria, print rentals and in many cases, travel costs to bring me out to present the Show in person.
Most of these indie animated shorts and student films would never have a shot at being seen so widely, let alone getting written up in the New York Times and other press, had it not been for our generous supporters, read for yourself. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the thousands of attendees who sat in awe of our artful shorts and loved them!
The new 21st Show is so good and we can't wait to share it with the world, but we need your help to make this happen. This year we're not doing a Kickstarter for our primary fundraising appeal, as they are excessively costly and flat out exhausting.
So we're writing you to let you know we have a $100K nut to cover to get the new 21st Annual Animation Show of Shows fully released. I hope we can count on you to make a tax deductible donation, and if you've given before please match or exceed your previous gift to Animation Show of Shows, Inc., a 501(c)(3) not for profit. We are grateful for your attendance and support but we need down home support to keep this thing going. Please reply to this appeal today and give as generously as you can. You can either pop a check in the mail at the address below and allow us to avoid all transaction fees, or donate via PayPal ( or you can click below and pay directly by credit card or if you prefer, call me directly at 323 791-9781 and we can run an amount in excess of those listed below by credit card.
And if you're feeling especially generous, please contribute extra in support of resuming our educational outreach initiative! And by the way, we are looking for underwriters to allow us to offer subscription internet streaming based SVOD access to our vast library of exemplary animated shorts, with 24/7 worldwide, email me immediately if you can provide funding in excess of $50,000 to launch this initiative.
Ron Diamond, founder, producer and curator along with the Animation Show of Shows team.
Animation Show of Shows, Inc. 3347 Motor Ave Suite 100 Los Angeles CA 90034 USA
PS, This is very important and urgent. Please don't think for a moment that we will reach our goal without, your contribution, because it's essential. If we fail in achieving our fundraising goal, it will make it Impossible to continue this grand multi-faceted, independent and creative presentation of many of animations greatest annual artists works and expression. Give generously today and support the Animation Show of Shows and know you are doing something important, valued and appreciated by so many.